EASY MONEY I’m a teen – how I make $22,000 just by using my handwriting skills online

TEENS can make as much as $22,000 by using their skilled handwriting.

TikTok, Pricelesstay, revealed how easy it is for teens to make money online.

For handwriting cards high schoolers are offered up to $65 per hour on Upwork’s website.

Titling her informative video, side hustles for teens part 4, she says, “you wouldn’t believe this.”

“If you have good hand writing you can get paid for it.” she said.

Shocked and eager to work, many of her followers were open to becoming the next card writer.

“FINALLY SOMETHING I CAN DO” one supporter said.

“IM DOING THIS” another one commented.

As she persuades her followers with perfect handwriting to sign up for the website, she tells them, “you must do it.”

Upwork is a marketplace for freelancers in writing, graphic design, and web development.

Pricelesstay is a verified TikToker and is known to share money tips with her followers.

Her followers often show appreciation by commenting on each video when she shares helpful information on how to save money on pet bills, increase your credit score, and fly first class for free.

One of her followers said, “Yesss u are amazing, and GORGEOUS.”

The Sun shares how teens can also make money from their side hustle.

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