Social Security: check if your birthday means you’ll get $1,657 automatic payment soon

Many United States citizens will soon receive their Social Security retirement check and you could be one of them

In the United States, the date of your automatic Social Security payment receipt depends on your birthday, so you may soon receive your monthly check. To find out if this is the case, you simply need to check the exact day of the month with your date of birth. It all depends on the day of the month you were born. The Social Security Administration makes benefit check payments on Wednesdays of each month, so you may soon receive your benefit if you were born on these exact days.

June 15 is the day when many people will automatically receive a payment of up to $1,657 from Social Security. This automatic payment can also be by check, although this option will take a little longer to arrive at your home address. You can check below to see whether or not you will collect your automatic benefit payment in the next few days.

Who collects Social Security on June 15?

The people who collect the automatic Social Security payment on June 15 are those born between the 11th and 20th of the month. If your birthday falls between those days, you will collect your automatic Social Security payment early. This happens every month, as you will collect on the third Wednesday of each month if you were born between these two days.

If you do not have the automatic option activated for Social Security, you will receive your check early. In three days you should have the check at home. If you do not have the check in three days, you can go to a local office to inquire about the situation. This situation is the same with automatic payment. You should receive the automatic payment within three days of Wednesday, June 15. If this does not happen, you should inquire at the local office.

When are the June payments received?

The first day to receive Social Security payments for June was the 8th. On this day, people with a birthday between the 1st and 10th received their automatic payment and check. If you were born between those days and did not receive your check or automatic payment last week, you should go to the office to check on the situation.

The fourth Wednesday of the month to get Social Security is next week. On that day, people who have a birthday between the 21st and 31st of the month will be able to receive their benefit with the automatic payment. If you were born between these days, you will have to wait until next week, the fourth Wednesday of the month.

After that, the same will happen next July for all Wednesdays. On the second Wednesday of the month, people born between the first and tenth day will receive their Social Security benefit. On the second Wednesday of the month, people born between the 11th and the 20th will receive their Social Security benefit. Finally, on the fourth Wednesday of the month, people born between the 21st and the 31st will be able to receive their Social Security benefit.

In addition, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is paid on the first day of each month. If the first day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, this payment is paid earlier. But this year 2022 there are no more 1st days of the month that are a holiday weekend in the entire United States, so there is no problem for this.

Remaining schedule of Social Security Payments

In the following months of the year the mechanics are the same and you will be paid on the second, third or fourth Wednesday of each month depending on your date of birth. Here is the complete list of Social Security payments for the next months.

July 2022

  • Second Wednesday: July 13
  • Third Wednesday: July 20
  • Fourth Wednesday: July 27

August 2022

  • Second Wednesday: August 10
  • Third Wednesday: August 17
  • Fourth Wednesday: August 24

September 2022

  • Second Wednesday: September 14
  • Third Wednesday: September 21
  • Fourth Wednesday: September 28

October 2022

  • Second Wednesday: October 12
  • Third Wednesday: October 19
  • Fourth Wednesday: October 26

November 2022

  • Second Wednesday: November 9
  • Third Wednesday: November 16
  • Fourth Wednesday: November 23

December 2022

  • Second Wednesday: December 14
  • Third Wednesday: December 21
  • Fourth Wednesday: December 28

Don’t forget that if you do not receive your automatic Social Security payment, you should go to a local office for benefit assistance. But before that you must wait three days from the day of payment.

Who benefits from Social Security?

Social Security used to be intended for people over the age of 65, but today the field is much larger. One in five people in the United States receives this type of benefit. Of these people, one in three are disabled, dependent or survivors. The rest, i.e., 2/3 are retirees between the ages of 62 and 70.

Thanks to these social security benefits, people who are unable to work are entitled to a financial pension. With this pension they can live well and without problems. Applying for a social security card is very easy and can be done through an online form or at any government office.

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